Tea & croissant: Go off with a bang

The very same castle comes to life for something more spectacular later.

Since the daytime is long and sunset is late, we bummed around there for some time after dinner. Some time is like 2hours. So bored because we couldn't really go anywhere else or risk losing our seats. I say seat but it's really just a spot on the pavement.

 So we waited. And waited. And waited. Then talked. And talked. Then argued. And argued. After that, it was just peace and quiet because of silent treatment. No point of talking when neither can accept the other, right??

The sunset at about 8.30pm. By the time the fireworks started, it was about 9.30pm. Was it worth the wait?

My pictures don't do it justice. It was spectacular in every way. Fireworks, laser beams, surround sound. Almost like a concert. Or what I envision a concert to be since I've never been to one myself.

What was not-so-great was people trying to record the entire performance. On their cell phones. If you try to capture the brilliance on a proper DSLR even sans tripod, that's fine. Why do you subject those of us behind you to have a life censorship box???

Images were projected onto the castle throughout the show, ranging from old time favorite characters to the latest Beauty and the Beast movie. Yes, Ms Watson's face was on the castle. It was a tad bit disappointing like the parade as I was hoping to have more familiar faces. Perhaps I should take to watching more current cartoons.

Was it hypocrite of me to complain about people with their cell phones while I bestow such lousy pictures to you? Well, I didn't obstruct people with my camera (actual & not a phone one). It took me less than 30s to capture each.

Guess the movies.

The finale was quite breath taking. Certainly made up for the wait.

 I guess you were expecting this is the last of it but it's just the last leg of my Disney visit 😂

 Should you come here for a honeymoon? Maybe bring the kids along. You would get better treatment and priority service.
