D#18th Sept

  • I managed to reinstall Play Store on my tab and it didn't prompt the same error as before which prompted me to uninstall it in the first place 😂 Oh yes, it is possible to uninstall Google Play Store to the point that it doesn't even show up at all in the Application Manager. When you get annoyed enough, you'll find a way to. 
  • finished The Art of War. Not the complete work but enough to get the gist of it. 
  • After years of procrastinating, the bottles of motor oil from my car back seat has finally been dealt with. Initially, I thought that there were still some remaining in each but it's barely a cupful. So, for some fear of not being sure of what to do with it, I left it to fester in my car for all this time. Like 2years? Come to think of it, yes it is hilarious. But, you know it's just one of those things you don't want to deal with because of the consequences. 

One of the reasons why I don't read much classics is due to their vocabulary. Which is why I am amazed when I come across those that not only pique my interest but is readable. Sun Tzu's work may not be directly applicable to the modern life but there are some principles which you can adopt, though you may end up losing people's trust for being an unscrupulous individual.

Anyway, the book also had like a dictionary on the words used and what they meant in that particular context. It was then that a light bulb popped in mind to my dislike of classics. Most of the words used are not ordinarily used in daily life. Those that are have an almost entirely different meaning.

I suppose this is why we are helping someone else with their economy.
