sorry but yes

The idea of a guy having you up against the wall is a sexy one. Obviously, he must be:
  • good looking or at least not ugly - quite subjective and my friends have commented how my bfs/crushes seem to be rather low on the look spectrum so my level of handsomeness is very low :P
  • taller  - otherwise, she'd be looking down at your head and asking, "wtf you think you're doing?". So that'll mean you have to be at least 180cm as sans heels, I'm at 162cm and my heels are at a minimum of 2" . Hopefully your manhood goes further than my heels. 
  • not a random stranger - only exception is if you are damn good looking (look at first point) or rich. 
Few of the good memories that stayed on was when I was in a car and dropped him off. But not before he kissed me on the forehead.

Nowadays, the only kissing my forehead gets is when I overestimate the ceiling height.
