D#60: 30th Dec

- Got one additional AL for next year since the office will be closing after lunch tomorrow. No need to take the day off to usher in the new year
- A nice day at work. No drama. No politics. Like the perfect office.
- Good lunch after a long time.

When you start to question of someone's belief, their initial reaction would be to defend it.
When you prove the fallacy behind it, their defenses may start to crumble but not without putting up a good fight. Sometimes, turning the table around, against you.
In neither scenarios would they be open or even slightly receptive to an idea that is different than yours which is perfectly understandable. After all, when you have been conditioned in such a manner, it is difficult to the matters differently.

In such cases, it is best to let them discover for themselves the truth. For someone so hell bent on exposing the truth, holding onto the importance of flactrum for dear life, I wonder if I crossed the line and should have instead let him stay in that bubble of oblivion. But that would be such a hypocrisy that it would only make me puke my guts each time he comes close to correcting me, deciding my opinion was wrong different.

Being a woman is such a difficult thing at times like this. Do I play the submissive hapless damsel in distress waiting to be rescued or the independent woman perfectly capable of fighting her own battles and still be the perfect companion?
