D#50: 20th Dec

- Ran outdoor for the first time. Rather tiring. Still prefer the treadmill =\
- Sampled a fair bit of yummy food at a bazaar. Too bad the place isn't thriving. Maybe that's why the bazaar.
- Slowly shifting from being an INFP to INTJ. I used to think that the latter would make me a heartless, cold blooded bitch and that ain't cool yo. But what's not cooler is when people take advantage of you.


My mentor wasn't expecting me to finish it in one sitting in one day. Which is maybe why he conveniently fell asleep when I got to 80%. Somehow, he either doesn't believe when I tell him that I used to break/reverse engineer other people's code because I was too lazy to write my own or he just didn't remember them.

Given how he could hardly remember things we spoke about few hours ago, it is unsurprising if it is the latter. Though, it would also be equally unsurprising that he doesn't believe I am capable of it at all. He says that he believes in me. But then again, he also says that we can go for fine dining, that I can get a fitness tracker and he would do anything for me.

Everything and anything.
They all come with fine prints. Which he conveniently not mention unless asked for. But that doesn't mean the t&c don't exists.
