Review: Japan Boat Takoyaki, The Main Place USJ [CLOSED]

 So after lunch/dinner, I was still feeling a little hungry. Although there were quite a few places around for light snack, I settled on this because it smelt good. There were few Japanese men before me and they looked delighted waiting for their (takoyaki) balls to be ready. Eh, if the Japanese think their country's dish is good/worth waiting, who am I to dispute that? Thus, I placed my order as well.

 Over the years, the takoyaki craze has slowed down as it appeared that every tom, dick and harry ah mat, muthu and ali have jumped onto the bandwagon. To date, most of them were just so-so. This franchise is perhaps one of the more recognizable ones but I find it is not all that great. They usually made them before hand with too much flour, too little filling that you really do get a mush of a ball. Not very pleasant especially when you ask someone else to takeaway on your behalf.

Thankfully, Japan Boat would only make them upon order. You get a freshly grilled takoyaki ball that's hot inside out. But, that would translate to a longer waiting time. Still, if it's a good thing like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, what is a little wait? Like that elusive Mr/Ms Right.

 True to its name, the balls are packed in this boat-like box with ventilation to allow the hot steam to go through instead of soaking the balls wet. That came out a little wrong but you get the jizz of it right? I mean gist.

 Once cooked, the balls are placed into the box and drizzled with sweet sauce and mayo before it is topped with bonito flakes. Don't waste the flakes! These are super good with the mayo, if you still have any left.

 The best way to eat them is when they are still hot and pop the ball with the flakes into your mouth. If your mouth isn't big enough to fit the ball, well suck it up. I'm sure your boyfriend would thank me for that. If it is too hot, blow it abit but not too much that it gets cold. Again, I am sure your boyfriend would thank me.

Eh wait, what if you are a guy then? It'll still come in handy ;)
