Eat, sleep, eat, sleep

At least, that's what I should have done. Or hope to have done. Instead, it was more like:
  1. Eat 
  2. Feel sleepy 
  3. Go to sleep 
  4. Feel guilty 
  5. Struggle to stay awake
  6. Sleep anyway 
That pretty much sums up my day. I went to work anyway because it wasn't as though I was dying from the throat/flu/cough combo though  we all are dying or closer to death with each moment that we live. My cough was pretty bad last night that coupled with my stuffed nose, my lungs were begging for more air just like how my bank account is for more money.

This morning, things didn't look all that better but hey, at least my throat had pretty cleared up though it's more like the bug decided to travel to my nose and initiated a marathon. If you look at the bigger picture, a flu is anytime better than a sore throat which effin hurts. Only downside to the flu is whatever that  I eat taste somewhat bland. Better than pain? But I am constantly in another form of pain which I inflict upon myself in the name of love.

My cough must have been really annoying as a colleague from another dept seated inside a room could hear me coughing away. So much so that my boss asked me to pack my bags up and go home. I know, he's a cool dude =D Sorry, no openings unless you want to take over my job. By the time I got home, my nose was already runny and cough deteriorated with the rain. Ate some buns and it was just too nice that my body just felt heavy heavier and slept on the couch while watching the idiot box. This was me just being a couch potato. Wrinkly and brown, yes, quite an accurate description of me lately T_T

Honestly though, in all retrospective, I do feel somewhat fine. Not in optimal condition but I could still function albeit slower. It was unnecessary for me to leave work early since my cough was improving slightly with warm lemon water. But since my boss said so, ok! The only times I'd rather not go anywhere is when my tummy sends me on this mad chase to the loo, only to find it was a false alarm. I'd return to my original position and could again feel bowel movement. Repeat this every other 15minutes and you'd find me sitting on the throne with my phone until my legs cramp. Yes, this happened before.

Here's to a speedy recovery ahead :D Otherwise, some TLC would be much appreciated*

*T&C applies.
