A Getaway Christmas

Do you have friendships that span over a decade? I've heard of people who are still best chums with their best chums in high school. Whereas for myself, with each phase of life (childhood, teenager, adolescent etc) means new set of friends. Perhaps it's sheer laziness but it does seem like upon entering another stage, the old circle slowly disintegrates. Priorities shift. Interests no longer have common ground.

Somehow, with this clique, we've managed to stay relatively tight knit even though we no longer work in the same company. However, it is quite likely that out of the 5 of us, only 1 is married while the rest of us are at high risk of turning into leftover women (if not already). You know what they say, birds of a feather, flock together.

After two weekends with my niece, I can tell you that this is NOT Olaf.
It was a door gift from Prada's store opening in The Gardens. It was a butter cupcake with fondant snowman. Makes me miss baking. Just a bit.

Another gift from Fraiche. Working in IT, you don't get much goodies unless if you're the customer and vendors want to suck up to you. In one of my previous jobs, the vendors would hand us their organizers and calendars during new year, Mandarin oranges during lunar new year, mooncake during mooncake festival. Nowadays, people are just praying that their hardware doesn't fail particularly during any migrations.

Butter cookies with Christmas theme.

Red Christmas.

Green/blue Christmas.
Which do you prefer? I find the red is more festive while the green/blue is more welcoming.

Taste wise, they are pretty good. Unlike your standard butter cookie that is a bit hard, there are on the soft side but not to the extent of crumbly. Not too sweet either with a light hint of butter. While munching on them, I discovered my snowman's twin. Or do they all look the same? Just like how all Asians look the same to ang mohs that they can't tell the Chinese from the Korean and the Japanese? Because all our eyes are squinty -.-

What's a BBQ party without these? We marinated them with ginger, oyster sauce, soy sauce and the basic salt&pepper.

Butter is like the quintessential BBQ sauce. It lends the food a sweet savory touch.
Not sure why but the chef thought onion would be necessary. Ordinarily, I wouldn't really take onion unless if it's been caramelized.
Hotdog is also another important BBQ element. I suspect it's because they are so uniform and easy to cook.

These required a wee bit more effort but it is well worth it. Just wrap the strips of bacon around a bunch of enoki mushroom. No need to marinade or put on any spice. Not even salt/pepper. If you do, you should have lots of water on standby and get that tongue checked.

Given our somewhat diverse group, we have people who can't take :
  • seafood
  • beef 
  • dairy 
If it was one person, it would be easy to just buy McDonald's for that person. Unfortunately, just like how the traits of your Mr/Ms Right is distributed across few different people, catering to our group of 5 can be quite a challenge. I suggested to get lamb chops because nobody mentioned about not liking this meat. Also because I find lamb chops to be awesome. 

Somehow, lamb was on top of the list of meat in terms of number of people in our clique who don't eat it =_= Good because it meant more for me. Bad because there is only that much of lamb one can consume at one sitting. Oh I marinated these with salt and pepper. They turned out awesome :D

More bacon. Because really, can you have too much of bacon? Actually, yes.

Fruit salad. Green apples, grapes, dried peaches, pears and mayo to hold them all together. Simple and almost healthy. I never bought mayo in my entire life before. Never knew you can get them in a small handy pack.

Honey is also important when grilling food. Honey and butter, slathered all together on a warm body. Lick it up. Let the flavors play in your mouth, on your tongue. The chicken wings, I was talking about the chicken wings.
Chilli sauce is also another thing I never bought before. Over the weekend, I was cleaning out my kitchen cabinet and found that there are enough chilli packets from KFC to last awhile (if they ever come into use). Not sure if that's a good sign or a bad one (the fact that I eat enough KFC to accumulate them in the first  place).
Korean alcohol which we didn't manage to try in the end. At least  I didn't. Maybe it's the age that we don't really drink. Or smoke. Well, at least not in each other's company.
The easiest thing to make for a drink: Ribena.

The stage is ready. Initially during grocery shopping, the chef wondered if there is enough food for all of us (7 in total). After years of experience and countless house parties ending on food wastage, I told her upfront that it is better to have insufficient than too much. It ended up being the latter still. One thing that annoys me is when people cook way too much food for that meal alone.

As I always say, think of all the starving kids in Africa. If that's too far, think of me starving the rest of the week through. Then they start to pack food for me to take home. I don't care even if it's leftover. It's food ffs.

Ah, the good ol' stout. Once, a friend invited me to join him at a club in Setiawalk and he ordered a pint of stout for me. I don't know how you guys do it but it was god awful, bitter. After hearing that complaint, he asked the waiter for 2cubes of sugar and dropped it into my stout. Still not any better.

Sorry if you love Guinness but I really can't stand it.

Wine all the way from KL which was bought all the way from Australia. I don't think we drank this that night =\

If it's one thing I've learnt, those BBQ pits which you redeem from the credit card points system are usually crappy. For one, you need to assemble it yourself as it's flat packed into a rectangular box like Ikea products. But unlike Ikea products (some), these pits end up being unstable, shaky even. Almost like condoms. Use once, throw away.

An electric grill to get more food cooking. The bottom grill is metal while the sides are plastic. For some odd reason, the side plastic handle started melting away. You'd think that for an electric grill, it would be able to stand the heat but no. It turned out that the foil which covered parts of the plastic melted it away. Not sure to be fascinated or annoyed.

Labels so that we don't take the wrong cups. I've not seen someone write like this since .... high school? And I am the youngest in our group. But then again, who still writes these days? My writing has become rather horrendous over the years. While sitting for my IELTS last year, my hand could barely hold the pencil the entire time.

Cooking chicken wing is a very tricky business. You can't put it on high heat as it'll get charred on the outside but still raw inside around the joints. You can't put it on low heat either because you'll then get an angry hungry mob.

Which is why you have something easier to cook on another grill to feed the masses.
On the side is fish which was really fresh but I forgot to take a picture of :(

Dinner is ready! While the sausages were just so-so, the mushroom and bacon were awesome.
The rest of the food were great too but it's really the company. 

Like the years before, we had a Christmas gift exchange. Initially, we thought of doing a Secret Santa but our schedules clashed and didn't have time to meet up before that to fix that.
Next week, we should do that and have a list of wants and don't-wants.
Not sure how anyone is going to gift wrap a bf for me though. 

Would you feel honored or insulted if someone said this to you?

Le Pebble caught in le wild. I'm thinking of getting a MiBand but the lack of screen is very unattractive like a ring on a man's finger.
