Random Pavilion Trip

Not quite a followup to the Christmas trip but Pavilion does have rather interesting events at times. Some of them are obviously meant for the filthy rich only. Others like this one is for the masses. But you will enjoy it more if you actually have money to buy.

Have you heard of washi tape? Think of it as paper cellophane tape with patterns. They can be reused on multiple surfaces. Available in different width, pattern, what you can do with them is only limited to your imagination. And your bank account.

Personally, I think they are cute but serves no other purpose than to make things nicer.

Got a blank box? Put some tape over it.
Got a blank book? Put some tape over it.
Got a blank wall? Put some tape over it.

Unfortunately, it doesn't achieve the some effect if you put some tape over your nagging spouse. Not only will it not make your spouse nicer, it may just have the opposite effect.

Fortunately, there is a food court with decent pricing. Of course, they can't beat your local kopitiam but still fair given the location. I wouldn't say that the food is great but it's not bad for what you pay.

There are 2 Parisian outlets that I am rather keen to visit. One is the famous bakery. Another is for macaroon. Both of which I did see in Paris but didn't go  😢
