Thing I Learnt - 3 June

2015 started off rather well but things weren't that good financially.
Lest I start sounding like a broken record on replay and also to jinx my current roll, lets just say that my money was just flowing out more than I was making. Obviously, it doesn't take a genius to tell that I was setup for failure.  Much as I tried, it was difficult to realign my finances as there were quite a number of circumstances which were outside my control.

Month after month, I keep telling myself that things would get better.
Month after month, it was becoming harder to believe that myself.
Month after month, expenses were escalating. Just when one part's been done and over with, another crops up.
Month after month.

Entering into May, it was almost evident that things are going to stay at the bottom, if not go downhill. Still, my head kept repeating delayed gratification.
Entering in June, things are certainly starting to look up.

Perhaps it's just how I've conditioned myself to no longer expect anything good to happen that anything remotely good (or even normal) is somewhat of a (good) shocker.
