Review: Mad about Coffee, 3 Two Square PJ

 C-20-01, 3 Two Square,
No.2, Jalan 19/1
Petaling Jaya
Tel# 014-932 7932

Funnily enough, this was after a dinner in PJ Old Town and not right after the one just around the block. Even more funny is the fact that both are Thai dinners. What are the odds?

As couzzie had to go back to work after dessert and he balked at the thought of going to  Starbucks to use my free voucher for being a shareholder in BJCorp, we decided to try this place. The atmosphere was not too bad but the chairs could be comfier (or they trying to deter people from sitting around too long?), more noise absorbent (or they don't want to spend time socializing there?) as the sound from their audio system and people chatting can cause quite a din. Bear in mind that the cafe wasn't even filled during our visit. Or maybe my anti-social self was just annoyed.

With the many cafes popping up like mushroom after a rainy day, isn't it near impossible to try them all before your wallet runs dry or they start closing down? Gone are the days when people would be content with my company and charm that they'd buy me food and drinks. Perhaps, it is high time to polish those skills up and venture back into the dating world.

A cuppa for each of us.
Cappuccino RM 10. Flat white RM 12.

The place was run by a bunch of youngsters and there were their friends to lend support. Both of us were probably the oldest in the shop. Unsurprisingly, we were probably the poorest too since we are still IT slaves to our respective companies and no daddy/mommy to open up a business for us to run. 

One word to describe their coffee: forgettable.
Another word that is apt as well: unmemorable.
It isn't my bitterness for not having born with a silver spoon (or any spoon as a matter of fact) or envy speaking here. Their coffee just wasn't good enough to warrant even a second visit.

I brought my DSLR along that night and couzzie was snapping away with it. Luckily for the both of us, we still do have our day jobs. I make for a bad model while his photography skill is, well, you be the judge.
