It's all about the sex

By now, everyone would have jiggled to the tunes of Meghan Trainor's It's All About The Bass. It has a catchy tune but when you start listening to the lyrics properly, you can't help but to feel that it is asking women to accept that it is perfectly fine to be fat. To a lesser extent, shaming on those skinny bitches. I'd like to think that I am a skinny bitch but I don't; it's just unhealthy to be so..... curvy.

Somehow, this parody sums up the song quite well:

I thought this song was supposed to be about loving you for you?
It is.

Then why are you basing your self worth off of pleasing dudes? 

But having said that, I too  am guilty of wanting approval, to feel validated.
Anyway, my mind is just a little too sexual for some odd reason. Everything has a chance of being related to sex.

#1 Glow in the dark nail polish
These aren't glow in the dark type but they do cost a bomb at almost RM 50 per bottle. Not a large but typical size. No gold or silver or any precious metal. Sure they glide on well but RM 50? I could eat for a week. Not that I was so cheap that I used the testers to paint my nails (there was a woman who actually did just that ...) especially in different shades.

A gf had been hunting for glow in the dark type of nail polish which baffles me. Sure, there's the novelty of it being glow in the dark but what's the use? In case you can't find/see your fingers in the dark? Part of me was tempted to ask if it's so the guy she was giving a hand job could see her in action. What, is it only me who's too conscience to make out in bright lighting?

#2 One piece or overalls 
One piece, jumpsuits, overalls, whatever you call them, it is one piece of clothing I'd never buy. Quite rarely you'd find one that's nice (the above is merely for illustration purpose). In terms of functionality, imagine if you need to pee/crap urgently then you have to remove the whole thing off. Now, imagine if you're getting lucky and the guy has to take it off you. Kills the mood, no?

#3 Bobby pins 
It's only recently that I've started using them much because they've always come across to me as being hard and difficult to take off. Not that they are any easier now. There just happened to be a box of them on my drawer and my other pins and hair ties are either going missing or just not functioning as well.

There are a number of ways to style your hair using these seemingly simple tools to create avant garde hairstyle. But as again, imagine if you are getting hot steamy sex and the guy runs his fingers through your hair, only to have them pins in the way. Lets not forget how you'd be wincing in pain as he tries to pry his fingers away from your now messy hair.
But wait, why not remove them before you make out? There goes all your sex appeal. And who likes to wait?

Perhaps it is safe to say that my mind is quite sex fueled. Or it is tuned to mankind's carnal desire.
Simply enough, I need to get laid =\
