Thing I Learnt - 15 June

After a rather filling dinner, my guilt got the better of me today.
Started the day with an hour of exercise. Cardio to burn off the fats.
Chopped up my watermelon and munched on some while at it. Defeats the purpose but goodness gracious me, do you know how good chilled watermelon is after an hour of crazy jumping and pumping? Ok, not so much of pumping but my abs did hurt.

Sundays are quite my worst day because it's the cut over to the new week i.e. wake up at 6am and I usually just can't fall asleep at night. Thus, I resorted to coffee so that there'll be no naps during the daytime in (vain) hopes of being able to sleep easier/better at night. So far, it hasn't really worked. Still falling asleep after midnight. fml.

The night before's dinner fueled me enough that surprisingly, it lasted me until tonight's dinner.
Actually, the dinner was a birthday celebration which turned into a dessert trip before a mamak gathering. So, we ate from 6.30pm right till 10pm.

Almost a food marathon. Thankfully, I didn't eat much throughout the day.
Funny how things worked out.

Yea, this is turning from a learning series into a blessing series.
But, hey, that ain't such a bad thing, to be thankful for something everyday.
