Today, I will choose JOY

Actually, not just today but for the rest of my life?

Maybe things are really starting to stress me out so much that all the f-ks left in me in thrown out the window. Getting rather busy and tired that I can only laugh while crying my stress away. It is a weird way to deal with stress but that's how my mind works. My colleague was wondering if I was all right because I wasn't starting to make sense. Took him long enough after working together for close to a year now.

Somehow, things turned for the better because a friend offered me ice cream because he had bonus. I wasn't entirely keen on it unless if it was Haagen-Daz's fondue and he obliged =D

No, I didn't have a knife/gun/any short object pressed against him.
No, I didn't hold him or anyone of his family/friend hostage.
No, I didn't threaten him in any manner.
No, I definitely did not force/coerce him into it.

So yea, today ended up being quite a nice day after all ^_^
