Meng Kee, Glenmarie

Just as I suspected, this is the same one as Big Big Wantan Mee. The menu was so uncannily alike in terms of its offering and heck, the menu itself that it can't be pure coincidence. 
You know what else is the same? The slow service. 

Wantan mee soup with minced pork.
I'm still aversive to this version of the noodles. Wantan mee will forever be dry in my head. Like me.
The soup also did taste a bit like MSG. Pointless.

After what seemed like forever (when it comes to wantan mee), I was losing hope and close to losing it when I look at other table's noodles. Fortunately, the noodles did redeem themselves by being springy with the right amount of sauce. Of course, their char siew is da bomb. Caramelized fat, crispy skin, sweet savory guilty pleasure. Maybe it could even rival that other char siew place.
