XXXIII: Let them eat cake bread

In case if you are wondering, I've still got quite some photos left from my Taiwan trip. The joy of blogging for passion. No dateline. No pestering.
Also because no reader too.

The one thing that Taiwan offers a lot of would be artisan pastries. Or maybe they are really good in marketing that they realize the best way to sell would be by making it sound foreign (French is a popular choice) and make them look aesthetically pleasing. I don't know about you but there were few moments when I succumbed and threw my no-carb policy out of the window. Birthdays are one of them.

Most of the major malls would have their food section at the under ground or basement. The bakeries don't emit strong wonderful smell which is great as I don't get tempted on top of the lovely sight of breads in various sizes and shapes. They were all so prim and proper. Makes Gardenia look like some peasant food.

Cookies are another big thing. If you think that Famous Amos cookie is da bomb, these look like the Hermes or Bottega of the cookie world. Some of the stalls do provide free sample, made from broken cookies that can't be sold in these packaging. Some are not bad but I don't find them worth the money. Perhaps, they are impressive as gifts but true foodies may find it just a marketing ploy.

Pineapple tart cakes is another snack that the Taiwanese likes to do a lot of. There are cheap ones, then there are these expensive ones. Yes, the tastes are different. No, the sales woman didn't give me the deadly stare when I didn't purchase any after trying. But her disdain was not hard to detect, not that it was very subtle in the first place.
