Review: Utama Western, Damansara Uptown

How do I go about describing the location for the famous hawker centre in Damansara Uptown? I don't know so I won't. Plus, if you know how to get to Damansara Uptown itself, the hawker stalls would be hard to miss unless if you are among the elite kind who goes for elite food and  snub open air dining. In which case, want to date me? :D

This place was introduced to me many eons ago by a former dear friend. Former because we sort of drifted apart after going our separate ways (professionally). Then she got married and popped out one out of the bun. My social media behavior may have annoyed her enough to unfriend me on facebook. It felt quite sad but sometimes we have to let go of people who are stuck in the past so I don't quite blame her. I also don't find it particularly great looking at pictures of friends clubbing and drinking. Then again, they are rather young, I am just old.

Anyway, this place offers rather affordable Western food. So if you are on a shoestring budget but still want to impress that minah (sorry, amoi most likely won't give you a cahoot if you don't bring her to Instagram-friendly places), this is a good option. They offer the usual chicken, beef, lamb and mixed.

For about RM 11 (RM1 for sizzling), you get a decent sized meal of chicken fillet that's been grilled just nice. The mushroom sauce is not bad. Baked beans are great when served hot. Hidden underneath the whole meal bread (yes, not white bread!) are crinkle fries. The sunny side up finishes the protein meal quite nicely.

Of course, this is no 5 star (or even 1star) dining but if you are looking for a no-frills Western dining and not bothered by possible mosquito attack or smelling of food (no thanks to all the grilling in the air), this is a good place for a cheap meal. At least in this part of town.
