D#: 5th Jan

This is the 500th post of the blog. Sounds like a big number but if you compare it against my previous effort that stood at 7389, this is such a paltry figure though it is unfair to compare 12years worth against 2years. Plus, it has been rather challenging to come up with substantial posts instead of fillers/fluffs. Partly due to work commitment, social commitment. Hence, one of the resolutions that I am trying to stick to is:
blog one proper post per day
I wanted to do a foodie post per day but that maybe a tall order since the pictures would need to be edited prior to upload which'll require my laptop. So hard but will aim to.

Some of the things that I am thinking of changing:
  • Remove the Review in the blog posts since it's almost, always reviews these days. 
  • Replace the Review with Foodie/Movie/Bookie based on the review subject. But that'll be a repeat of the post labels though the label would serve more as a quick filter. 
  • Remove the day counter for the daily project post. It has become a little tedious to go past 60.
What do you think? If you have any other suggestion, I'm all ears. No, there will be no pictures of me scantily clad here. Why do you want nightmares, for god's sake?

- Work is settling down slowly but surely. It is nice to finally get things into a comfortable pace.
- Kept snacking to a minimum. Thank you, self control. Now continue to work your magic.
- Great dinner with the family.

As long as you don't launch the app, your WhatsApp's last seen/online status will be the last time you did.
