D#: 13th Jan

Just realized it's the 13th of the month. Is that why I have an ill omen foreboding? Wait, it would have passed though there's still another 1.5hour to go.

- Survived a relatively sleepy training session.
- Things are progressing ahead nicely. Now, if they could keep up the momentum and actually come to completion, that'll be great. I want/need my goddamn closure
- Found a new way to look at my pathetic love life. Hopefully will get some answers to it tomorrow.

At its very core, the WHAT is important in problem solving. Then comes the WHERE and HOW. The WHO is not even secondary. Yet, that seems to be the one thing everyone looks for at the very first sign of trouble. Not having enough WHATs, WHEREs and HOWs end up giving you many WHOs that end up being angry especially when they aren't the WHO you are looking for.

Unfortunately, in today's world, that's how it works.
