Lion Boba, Damansara Uptown

The standard theme for (Instagram) shop these day usually involve bright lights and spacious seating area. Not that I'm complaining as that really helps alot with the photography. Honestly speaking, to churn out a post, while the writing itself takes a chunk of time/effort, the photo editing isn't a walk in the park either especially for those with 'romantic' lighting. Sorry, I'm still too conscious of using the flash.

With the many different boba tea shops, what sets Lion Boba apart then?  Honestly, nothing. We've seen/heard/tried all the different gimmicks. Roast at the front of the shop? Freshly made pearls? Fresh full cream milk? Come on, how do you differentiate yourself in such a saturated market? Please don't think I'm being overly critical. The fact is the price point is not low/cheap. There are so many others in the market. Why should I pick you?

Sadly, Lion Boba is the same as the rest. Or maybe I'm not desensitized to boba in general.
