Movies: 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)

Maybe in the next generation when Elon Musk gets his way, 2001: A Space Odyssey could show us what space travel could end up like. Except without so much of an 80s vibe. What is more startling is how AI can soon evolve from merely being help but to ensure it achieves its original motive.

It is a cinematic piece which any cinematic fan would surely have watched it (more than once) yet to ordinary folks, it can be quite an acquired taste. Not easily accessible or understood. The ending was trippy and certainly open to interpretation. As for simpleton such as yours truly, I think the movie plays with the possibility of a higher intelligence being trying to understand humankind by placing them into different scenarios.

Yea, different scenes probably represent something significant like the gorillas but I'm just going to take it as entertainment and not bust my brains out.
