Thing I Learnt - 28 May

Fluffy chocolatey cloud nine. Or so that's what came to my mind when I first laid my eyes on them. At RM 3.20, it was also one of the cheaper items in the bakery that it went into my tray.

Now on second look, it does look like a shit.
But it tasted nothing like that thought it probably did look like that when I went to the loo few hours after eating it. Still, if I shat rainbow in my poo like the colorful rice sprinkles, that'll make me awesomely legendary.

Like a unicorn.

Magical I am not but if there's one thing I could is set my mind to have a good day ahead.
Work was piling up. The end of the tunnel is becoming clearer so that's my silver lining.
Hence, dwelling on the bad and miserable doesn't bode well.

Just trying to be happy is good enough.
Today I chose joy.

Tomorrow, I will too.
