Guilty Pleasure: Pringles

Chips don't usually end up in my shopping cart but for Pringles, I make an exception. In fact, there have been trips to the grocer specifically for them alone. They are usually fueled by hormones. If my hormones could get me to do something productive and beneficial instead of stuffing myself silly, resulting into mass guilt, that'll be great. But until then, let me just tell you why Pringles is so awesome.
Thin crisps
Unlike other popular (and affordable) chips, these have that crunchy crispy factor. I hate thick slices even if they are crunchy. 
Good sodium hit
So over the years, Pringles came up with many flavors but if I am going to feed myself unhealthily, I might as well enjoy myself while at it. Thus, it has always been just sour cream and onion. Salty and crunchy, is this how forbidden fruit tastes like? Is this what it feels like to bone your best friend's wife??
But at about RM 6.80 per can, it is quite a costly snack. Sure, there is the cheaper version at RM 4.90 that's made locally but those either didn't pass QC or Pringles decided to make the local version thicker which just spoils the taste entirely.

Their previous tagline certainly describes my love-hate relationship with them:
once you pop, you can't stop.
