Review: Shaftsbury Asteria, Cyberjaya

 Level 18, 19 & 20,
iTech Tower, Jalan Impact, Cyber 6
Tel# 03-8689 2839

Although my working experience spans across a decade (damn, I am old), my team mate was surprised to hear that this was going to by my first annual dinner in a very long time, if not the first ever. 

Just like the number of guys I've dated, the number of companies I've worked in is quite a blur. My standard answer to the former is usually "more than 5, less than 10". When it comes to my professional life, it isn't that easier to recall of the top of my head where I was attached to. What annoys me the most is when you get called for an interview that you applied for on Jobstreet and the very first thing that they ask you to do when you reach the place is to fill up the application forms with the same details that you have given initially. I mean, seriously?

 Dinner was scheduled for 8pm or so. Before that, it is the pre-dinner drinks or a polite term for all the late comers. What's it with Malaysians and being fashionably late?

There was free flow of beer, red wine, white wine. Not too strong, just enough to keep you in a jolly mood with people who determine if you'll get a bonus. 

 To be honest, I was surprised to see such a swanky place in Cyberjaya. Their toilet was rather impressive with its minimalistic approach.

 Quite possibly the highest point in Cyberjaya.... unless if you are staying at the condo upstairs.
Of which, fyl because got no life.

 The theme of the night: Enchanted night.
It left me disenchanted.... and very hungry.

The table setup was certainly impressive, if not romantic. A little out of place with the orchids, floating tea candle light and rather dim lighting. Maybe they want us to get to know each other..... more intimately.

Going with the theme, there was a corner setup which wouldn't look out of place for a wedding photoshoot.

Unfortunately, the place wasn't really utilized.

There have been quite a number of wedding related news on my Facebook feed lately. Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to walk down the aisle. But realizing how my Mr Right is actually my right hand, the idea disappears as soon as it appeared.

The decorator. They did a good nice job, just that it didn't quite blend in with the entire place.

See what I meant by impressive tableware? Unfortunately, that is about all the good there is to this place. They have their own chef/caterer for the food. Our dinner was buffet style with those lines on both opposing ends of the hall. No pictures of the trays of food as I was too famished in my tube dress that kept slipping off my boobies. They probably shrunk after skipping lunch that day to fully utilize the free food dinner that night.

It turned out to be a bad decision. A very bad decision.
Can I just tell you how bad it was of me to expect a full onslaught of buffet dinner that night?

Both the buffet lines were serving totally different food. One end was the soup, bread, salad and dessert. The other was the mains which I don't know what because I didn't get the chance to try them.
At All.

This is what I managed to gather during my first round. The mushroom soup was tad bit salty but it tasted better than those straight out of a can. There was quite an impressive spread of bread (baguette, pitas). Few different salads available of which the plain garden salad was so healthy, fruit salad undeniably the total opposite of that and a few other greens for you to build your own rabbit food.

Since there were few hundreds in attendance, I didn't want to appear ultra kiasu and plunder the buffet line at the first round itself. This was still quite a sizable portion as compared to the rest at my table (mainly full grown men). Maybe I was really hungry by then but the food was not so bad. Or maybe I've had really sucky buffet.

After the first course, most of the food was gone and the kitchen had yet to refill. It gave us time to mingle around and join in the events lined up for the night. An hour into the dinner, there was still no sign of food at the buffet lines. When they did appear, it was in such small quantities that the MC had to apologize for the delay in the food, saying one of their chefs disappeared.

To be honest, it is one of the worst things the restaurant could do. I'd understand if you run out of food towards the end of the night but when your customers only managed to have one round of food at a buffet line, your production line certainly leaves a lot to be desired. Actually, does your production line even exists?

This is what I managed to salvage in between copious amounts of soup and bread: grilled fish and chicken. It tasted slightly weird but in a good way. That's white rice. Plain white rice. So, this is what it feels like to be hard laborers who toil under the sun and eat a huge packet of rice drenched in curry with few measly pieces of meat.

While the rest of them who ended up at the other buffet line had a taste of the mains which included stir fried beef, veggie, fried rice, I had to make do with desserts and beef on skewers. The dessert fared worse than the appetizer. The meat was actually not even cooked thoroughly as it was more of medium well done which some people may not like. I didn't care because my objective was to just eat until kingdom come. At least my dress stopped slipping off (as easily).

Yea, my tummy grew and sort of held it in place.

It was my first time in my camouflage mode (read: makeup) in this company so it was a little weird. Given the rather lackluster, if not totally disappointing night, it wasn't quite worth the effort.

My tools of the trade. Some of which are probably expired but being frugal economical makes my heart bleed so they stay. 

I've never had much luck when it comes to competitions, lucky draws. Hence, lottery is something that I never buy. Somehow, that night my lucky star was aligned and I won this.
Not sure if it is a blessing or curse. Would have liked the garment steamer or LCD TV =|
