Guilty Pleasures: Krispy Kreme Doughnut

Not just any doughnut, they must be from Krispy Kreme. Before Berjaya Corp brought them onto Malaysian soil, we had to be content with the likes of Dunkin Donuts which always tasted stale to me. Or maybe because the ones I had were mainly at highway rest areas where the supply wasn't fresh. Hence, it didn't make sense to me on why the world makes fun of American cops who'd stuff themselves silly with doughnuts whenever possible. Or even Homer Simpson. After all, how could anyone seriously eat so much of this?

Krispy Kreme proved me dead wrong there.

What's 190calories of awesomeness? Krispy Kreme's original glazed doughnut.
Not their Oreo. Or cheese. Or even whatever berry, cream.
Just their plain doughnut with a crunchy layer of sugar coating outside. So simple yet it's one of those things that will make you forget you're past your dateline, your spouse is screaming at you, the dog hasn't shat, and most definitely, that you are on a goddamn diet.

It is as unforgiving as that ex who caught you in bed with that hot chick but damn, was the sex donut well worth it. Thankfully enough, the nearest hot chick Krispy Kreme to me isn't so near after all. Otherwise, it'd be a weekly affair.
