Chill chill break: A rose by any other name

Orchid and Rose Garden
Tel#017-519 2383
If lavender's not quite your thing, rose should do the trick.

I know what you're thinking. This looks more like the entry to a horror house than a garden. Frankly speaking, it was much worse in real life especially with the overcast evening sky, no sun only clouds hanging above your head. I was a little concerned about going in since the place looked rather deserted.

However, it proved to be one of the bigger farms that we went to and certainly did have something more thrilling than just your usual walk in the park routine. There were few sections that would be advisable only to those with proper walking shoes as the trail isn't tarred, just soil so it can get slippery after the rain.

Apart from my company, the only other people here are the workers tending to the plant. The place is not big but certainly not that small either with few paths diverging off. Really not quite the place to get lost after dark.

 There's a large koi pond that you can feed beside the minuscule animal farm. The place is maintained, just don't expect it to be ultra clean.

Although the name says orchid and rose, they have more than that. Some of which are not seen in the other farms. Those that I went to.

I think I've seen these before though not really common. Why do flowers look so pretty when they are alive/in bloom but not remotely so as they wilt? Not a fan of dried flowers 😢 It's also bad feng shui to keep dead plants in the house.

An orchid maybe? But I think not.

Their patriotism really shows by the amount of hibiscus they have on the ground of all colors but one size: Gigantic.

Their colors are so bright and vibrant that one can't help but to feel joyful at the sight of them  😊 Kinda looks like an emoticon too.

Part of the jungle trekking. It's a fairly short path. Just not the kind that'll be nice to walk in the dark. Alone πŸ‘»

The view from the top, which isn't really much of a view.

Rows and rows of cabbage. I was awestruck by the sheer size of them. They bloom from the ground like a flower. Except they are green all over. And huge. About the size of my head.

We came across these large leaves. They were so tall that I could stand underneath its leaf and still got some space above my head (5'2" btw). Here's a really tiny snail in comparison. Barely the size of a 10c coin.

My boyfriend was saying how awesome it'll be to chop the trees up for steamboat 😨It's like those fisherman who caught a fish that's taller than them and ends up selling it to chefs. Eh, imagine if someone decides to kill your adult children after all the years you took care of them. Actually, I think you would be sadder if your offspring was killed right after birth or in the younger years instead of as an adult because by the time they've hit puberty, they probably have given you ample reason to finish them off.

Strawberries because no self-respecting farm in Cameron Highland would be without them.

If you think that there isn't going to be any flower in this post πŸ˜‚

The rose section is surprisingly small when you think about how it's called an orchid and rose garden.

These aren't the kind of roses that you get from the florist so I'm not sure why they plant it πŸ’

Not a rose obviously.  Common zinnia ?

Poinsettia in tires. These unfortunately looked a bit dirty from the soil. Maybe they'll look better during Christmas.

More tiny flower in giant tires. Has anyone had any luck growing these outside of the hills?

Almost fake but very real.

A golden bush.

French marigold?

Is anyone still reading at this point or just scrolling through? πŸ˜†

Ok, last one ... for now.

Apart from flowers, there were some non-flower plants as well.

Cherry tomato? OK, probably not.

The powers of my Googling is not yielding any result 😭I've seen this before on few occasions but never bothered to catch its name.

The fruits garden.

This reminded me of the final scene in Identity. A pretty good movie though I may have spoilt it for you there πŸ˜„

Not lemons πŸ˜‹

Mulberry which my parents managed to plant in the scorching heat of Klang 😱

At the entrance, there were these huge plants. I think they are vegetables but don't know their names. This one could be used as a hat.

Actually, everything in this farm is bigger than life. 

Hand for scale ✋Hand still lose.

A rainbow of roses.

All these flowers are making me want to grow some of my own. Some people are blessed with green fingers. Some like me just green with envy.

This is part of their animal farm. Turkey that looks rather menacing. Thank god for the fence because I think it would have attacked me for sticking a camera in there.

The orchid section is placed quite strategically, near the exit which also housed a souvenir shop.

These were beautiful but expensive. About few hundreds. Sorry, not a plant fan in general so they could be cheap(er) than the market price. 

A beautiful shot to end this long ass piece. I love how it looks like it's shot in a dessert with huge space but it's really in the garden.
