Review: Da Kung Zhai, Cyberjaya

No. 6, Block D, Jalan GC7,
Glomac Cyberjaya Cyber 12,
63200 Cyberjaya

The cheapest lunch option while working is usually in Dengkil in the form of economy rice. So when I spotted this restaurant within Cyberjaya itself, I knew I had to give it a try. Perhaps it's just me missing home cooked food =( Hence, the borderline obsession with chap fan.

For this plate, it cost about RM 7. I was screaming bloody murder to my fellow lunch mates as the same thing would have costs RM 5 or 6 in Dengkil. Plus, my dear spinach was undercooked. Safe to say, it was my first and last visit.

Unfortunately, it appears that outside of Malaysia's Silicon Valley, the price is about right. Like seriously? Man, it's a good thing that I've taken up to cooking.
