Thing I Learnt - 4 Aug

Maybe it's my desire to end the meeting quick. Or to really showcase my skills (or lack thereof). Somehow, I ended up volunteering to organize a forum for the dept despite having much on my plate already. As the boss went around asking for anyone who'd be up for it, everyone was either downcast or looking at the other. Me and my big mouth decided to just go for it.

On a plus side, it is the first time being held for this region and the big boss didn't have anything specific in mind. Total freedom which ended up coming with some fine prints at the eleventh hour. Nothing too hard to fit in though it may be that everything is starting to not make sense anymore so I've given up on trying anymore.

Funny thing is how I set a meeting at 4.30pm to do a walk through which included a presentation deck.

9am: OK, need to finish up the day's work and start on that PPT
12pm: wow, so hungry. time to eat.
2pm: darn, another meeting. let me squeeze in some research for the PPT.
3pm: thank God. meeting's over. back to operations matter.
4pm: "eh amy, have you finished the slide?" fml. i haven't even started
4.15pm: Outlook notifies me about the meeting in 15mins. OK, lets just get it done and over with! Bullshit power, ACTIVATE.
4.30pm: Outlook notifies me about the meeting starting NOW. oh wait, boss isn't back yet. let me just finish it up.
4.35pm: File -> Save.

This pretty much sums it up:
