Movies: Children of Men

Clive Owen has the face of a reluctant hero. Not quite the sort of man that strikes you as handsome but certainly arresting in a mildly pleasant manner. In Closer, he was the jilted lover who turned into an a-hole (but not by choice, only circumstances). For this movie, his character is slightly more likeable though his expression is still pretty much the same.

Set in a dystopian future where fertility rate was as good as my social life, the youngest human being just passed away at the age of 18years old. A far cry from the reality that we are facing overpopulation in certain parts of the world. One thing that did resonate is the immigration policy. Maybe soon enough, it'll be a case of life imitating art though it's unlikely given the number of kids at orphanages.

Julian Moore plays a pivotal but short lived character. Somehow, I find that her recent works to be rather lacking after gems like Magnolia. While I can't say that the movie was bad, it isn't quite the mainstream entertainment that will engage today's audience.
