Movies: Little Children

Not sure why but this was in my to watch list. Kate Winslet again plays the suburban housewife while Patrick Wilson plays her counterpart. Their chemistry is undeniable and be prepared for some rather steamy scenes. Nothing brash or crude, quite artsy as a matter of fact though I wonder if it really is Winslet or a body double.

The story isn't as downtrodden and depressing as Revolutionary Road as it's injected with humor despite the bleakness of the prospect. While Revolutionary Road deals with a couple whose marriage is crumbling, Little Children shoots it down with adultery. To be honest, I was a little uncomfortable, half expecting this to end in the same tragic scene which thankfully (or not), it didn't.

However, that isn't to say that I am entirely pleased with the route it embarked on. why can't the underdogs win? Why do we accept a life of unhappiness for security, certainty?
