Review: Chelo's Appam Stall, Bangsar

 Although I drop by Bangsar at least once a month, I never really visited this place before despite its fame. It is quite hard to go there alone and get a table for one and order and eat alone because it is always crowded. So I could have just done a takeaway but some things should be eaten fresh. Plus, it is always weird when you eat alone at a crowded place. Can't seem to eat in peace as there are people staring at you, wanting to grab your table :(

 As a vegetarian stall, most of the stuff here are made of flour and potato and the likes.
Surprisingly, not much greens to be seen.

 The appams are made to order but there always seem to be a steady stream of customers that I think they probably just make them all the time. After all, this is what they are famous for.

 Since it was my dinner, I had puri as well. Deep fried with hot air inside (me on stressful days), it isn't all that oily and goes very well with the accompanying gravies; most of which are savory sweet potato based so it can fill you up (a bit). It doesn't have that crunchy deep fried texture though.

 Lo and behold, the original appam. Crispy around the edges while soft on the center, it is more on the sweet side. When I was younger, my father would take the family out to mamak for dinner and this was one of my favorites. Not many places have this and the ones that I like would have a slightly thicker and crispier edge while the center is a little firmer. This is really a matter of personal preference.

Cheap nasi lemak. Oh yea, that's something green. It had a nice heat from the sambal but no anchovies to be found. Some people say seafood isn't vegetarian. Some say it is. To be, if you really want to be a vegetarian, eat actual vegetables, none of those mock meat stuff. But then again, I am no vegetarian myself :"D
