
That's how my day has been. Quite as planned. Perhaps tad bit ambitious.

This week's schedule is rather packed. People think that when you are single, your life ends when the clock strikes 5pm. I actually have quite a lot of things lined up after work. My daily exercise, blogging, household chores among others. Tis the week before the lunar new year, things are busier as businesses are cramping in more appointments before the long holiday so I have to cramp mine too.

Reaching home at 3.30pm, I started off with the usual 7min HIIT workout followed by day#2 of another routine. Today's routine isn't as bad as yesterday's that left me rather sore around the knees. Except that it's strength training. In place of dumb bells, I used 1.5l bottle of water instead. Since I have another appointment tomorrow after work, I cleaned the house.

By then, it was already 6pm. Still got time to squeeze in some baking. So I did =D
I bought an el-cheapo hand operator beater/mixer for RM 11. Good bargain if not for the fact that thing refuses to work when placed in the batter. Anybody want to sponsor me one from Kitchen Aid? I'll bake everything and anything that you want. Please sponsor the ingredients too, I'll pay for the electricity. 

People used to complain about not having enough hours in a day. 24hours was a little too much for me then. Heck, almost half of it was spent sleeping during the weekends and I'd still find too much time. My life was quite empty and depressing then. Now, it still is depressing but not as empty anymore with different activities lines up. Wish I could do more in a day but this would do for today.

So now, my arms are aching. Not to the point of falling off but I really don't want to move my hand to move my mouse T_T It reminds me of this:

My feet hurts.
