Tea & croissant: Sights & sounds of Parc Disneyland

 I wasn't expecting my visit to be remotely educational but it turned out to be. Not in a museum kind of way but that's where I got to know about the Statue of Liberty being a gift from France to America. Like aha. It spoke about the different revolutions and how it spurred people to invent things to make life easier, leading to modernization as we know it is. Not all materialized into something useful but it was interesting how our ancestors lived.

 Is it right to say that there's a castle in all the Disneyland parks? This is my first (and hopefully, not last) visit to one of them. So not sure.

 Here's a clearer picture without so many obstructions people.

 How would you propose to your gf? How would you react? Is this a possible scenario, to catch her in surprise and taken back?

 Or maybe on one knee and so happy that it finally materialize?

 Well, this is my scenario. I'm Pluto.

 The park itself is divided into different themes. Each plays their theme very well.

 Can you guess this one? Do parents these days still read the classic fairy tales to their children? These days, feminism is all the rage. A friend asked me to try and get a book (that I couldn't even google its name now as my memory is faltering at a sad pace) for his daughters below 10. It was about modern women who contributed to the world but written in a fairy tale manner. Think Maya Angelou.

It's cool trying to teach your kids to have girl power but when they turn into this, I draw the line.

 So, even if given the choice/chance, bringing children into this world is a difficult option. To quote Mother Courage by Bertolt Brecht:
I’m not courageous. Only poor people need courage. Why, because they’re hopeless. To get out of the bed each morning, or plough a potato field in wartime, or bring kids with no prospects into the world – to live poor, that takes courage.
Consider how easily and often they murder each other, they need courage just to look one another in the face. They trudge along, uncomplainingly carrying the Emperor and his heavy throne and the Pope and his stone cathedral, they stagger, starving, bearing the whole thundering weight of the great wealth of the wealthy on their broad stupid backs, and is that courage?

Must be, but it’s perverted courage, because what they carry on their backs will cost them their lives.
At my current rate, my (perverted) courage is rather outstanding at work 😂

 Little bear on the loose~! Non-Asian, non-black babies and toddlers are so cute. Then puberty comes and poof.

 Here's one who never aged at all. There are many characters at different spots in the park. Depending on which, the queue may be short but I think mostly are long. Only a matter of which is faster or not as many people. I waited in line for close to an hour for this and sorta ruined it. Kinda sad because that turned out to be my first and last character photograph because some people didn't want to wait and help me to take pictures.

Actually, you can go alone and enjoy it. The woman in front of me was by herself and the staff obliged to take using her own camera. You could purchase their professional photo but not sure how much it'll cost.

 As the hours progressed, so did the clouds. The sky was so cloudy and gloomy that it threatened to rain. Thankfully, it didn't because that would mean being stuck indoor.

 Some areas are more popular while some are rather deserted.

 The landscape was very well tended too. The guests are well behaved for the most parts. Were there much Asians? Surprisingly, no. There were quite a number of French (speaking) people. That was surprising.

 We stayed on until the final hour for the fireworks which was at 9.30pm as that's when the sun has completely set. Droves of people heading out and for the first time in Paris, I felt claustrophobic. It reminds me of the time in Sydney for the new year countdown. We slowly made our way to the train station and it was just people all on the road.

If this is in Malaysia, we would have pushed and shoved our way around. Why not here? I'm guessing the non-humid weather makes it all bearable.
