Tea & croissant: Le Passage Enchanté d'Aladdin

You would probably know about the movie but did you know that there was an Aladdin PC game as well? It came with my first ever desktop and kept me entertained for years.

I don't think kids these days would be interested in Aladdin but it was one that I enjoyed back in my childhood.

So, it was quite enjoyable to take a walk through this. Also helped that the place was relatively deserted.

Genie welcomes you. In French.

Different scenes from the movie is depicted throughout. They stayed close to the original material.

If you could have 3wishes, what would it be? Mine would be:
  • to eat and never get fat 
  • never be/get poor 
  • be content or at least not sad 
Kinda stupid but hey, at least I don't need a genie to make my wishes come true. Just a really rich husband 😃

The details were nothing short of amazing. It's sad that nobody appreciates Aladdin in this day and age.

The Arabian theme took me by surprise. I know it's supposed to be Aladdin but it really did feel like I stepped into the desert and not still in Paris.

The colorful glass panels are beautiful but it's not just something I could live with. It'll only make me feel like I'm in holiday perpetually and no mood to go back to the daily grind.

The flying carpet part.

These days, we got a lot of Aladdin's pretending to be Prince Ali. Only difference is they ain't got no genie to grant them 3wishes and certainly not gonna get the princess. A diamond in the rough that'll always be in the rough and never into a diamond.
