Review: Kim Gary, The Curve

I used to go to Kim Gary once a month. Just to use up their monthly 'free' voucher for being their member. It was also my monthly cheat meal. Not cheat because I was doing clean eating. More like cheat to eat an expensive meal. Lets just say that when you allocate RM 200 as your weekly allowance, there are quite a lot of things that are off limits.  Socializing, for one, is non-existent because if you do, it's likely that you can literally eat grass for the coming weeks. So, I do take great pleasure eating in this ripoff restaurant, sort of an indulgence if you may.

This is their cheese baked coconut curry pork spaghetti. Somehow, it is spicier than I'd anticipate and in a good way. The cheese with the sweet corn provides some relief. I like it that they baked it until the onion is soft and sweet. Definitely worth splurging on.

For that month, it was this iced coffee. It looked quite unique, hipster even. A deconstructed yin yong.

It's simple, really. Pour the tea into the glass with the coffee ice cubes. Stir it around with the straw and let it melt.

The best part about this is the drink doesn't get diluted when the ice melts as it's coffee. The tea is chilled so you still get an iced drink at the end of it. Between this and the current iced Thai milk tea, I think this is better as it's not as sweet.

 Rocky yin yong if you're interested and you should if you like their original yin yong.
