Book#May2016: The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships by Neil Strauss

I get caught up in fads like a stupid kid attracted to candy stores, little girls to goldfish. It's stupid but I can't help myself. This book wouldn't ordinarily be of interest but the desire to level up got the better of me that I decided to see what exactly I was missing out when it comes to the dreaded relationship.

Why dreaded? It's messy, controlling and at times, a web of deceit.

A followup to his other book, it would have made more sense to read The Game first but as again, stupid me started with The Truth. My first experience with Strauss' work is entertaining, thankfully. His writing is injected with humor throughout the book in that typical male bonding guffaw sessions. That is refreshing from the typical Cosmopolitan writer of trying to sugar coat everything.

The book started off promising enough but soon after, the turn of events become too unrealistic that it made me wonder how much of the book is true. Not that I cared or it mattered as they all made for a good reading material nonetheless. And that really is what this book is about though it was disappointing that towards the end, Strauss took the typical chicklit route. Like he just lost his balls along the way but I don't blame him if he really did go through the things he did in the book.

Did the book decode relationships? Not quite.
Did the book help in/for relationships? Well, that depends on how screwed up your relationship is.
Would I recommend it for anyone looking for help with their relationship? Uh, not if you want your man to go on a sabbatical (on you) and try to build his own harem. I kid you not.

In my honest opinion, the book left me feeling dejected. There is no chance for me in this world for a normal relationship =(

~ Apr - The World According to Garp
