
- Things went relatively well on the home front
- Saw a rainbow on the way home
- A full blown argument which didn't involve much shouting but it's probably a guy thing

(Whiny) little bitch syndrome is not exclusive to women. Men are suspectible to it as well.  I'd think that men older than moi would be less emotional but that hasn't been the case of late. Here I am, the one with all the estrogen running in my system and there they are, being such pricks. Like seriously, grow a pair already. Of balls.

You can't take spicy food and probably is trying to please me by ordering it but it'll end up make you sweaty and miserable. Why am I the bad cop now for not letting you have any spicy food at all? It's for your own good. For God's sake, be a man.

My e-penis wants to dig my eye balls out.
