The Foul Bachelorette's lunch

Continuing the trend, my laziness and frugality have in turned spurned my creativity.
That is really just a nice way of saying "I will eat anything I can get my hands on at the lowest cost and effort".

Miso soup, canned beans and leftover pork nuggets. They were so oily after reheating that I resorted to using a kitchen paper to soak it up. Still awesome with the beans.

After learning about how filling and (somewhat) nutritious canned beans are, I scoured the shelves in search of that one good canned beans. The trouble is really opening them because my last experience opening a canned food ended up with me getting a tetanus shot. Fine, that means I could cut myself again and not worry about the shot since that'll last me for a good 8 to 10years. My home can opener is quite old fashioned and requires a lot of effort. Thankfully, my office pantry is stocked up with a modern one so less effort, less risk of injury. I just had to endure questions from amused colleagues.

That's McDonald's fried chicken for my meat intake. 

This is what my lunch looks like these days. Sad and pathetic.
Yea, like me.
