How To: Make Popcorn

I love getting popcorn when watching a movie at the cinema. Iced drinks and pop corn complete the whole experience. If you could splurge, get Garrett's popcorn. The cheese flavored is strongly cheesy while the caramel flavored is sweet but not too. Take into consideration this is the opinion of someone who likes all things sweet; drinks, dessert, guys.

It took few nights of online researching (do people still do this offline?) before I mustered enough guts to actually pop my own corns. This packet of popcorn kernel costs less than RM 5. It lasted me quite a while as the kernels expanded dramatically once popped. After the first attempt, I realized how much cinemas have been ripping us off by charging RM 6.50 (and more) for a medium popcorn.
The cost would probably be about 10-20% of that.

Initially, I followed the recipe diligently. Measured out the kernels.

Can't quite recall which recipe as I don't anymore as my microwave has a popcorn cooking function =D So handy. Maybe it's because God knows my Friday and weekends are spent at home alone, watching movie so He bestowed me with this popcorn making machine to make me less miserable. Anyway, the steps are:
  1. Pour the kernels onto a dry plate 
  2. Cover it with something heavy as they'll pop out 
  3. Pop it into the microwave and wait for the sweet sound 
Multiple attempts later (none really failed!), here are some pointers:
  • Using a bowl will allow the popcorn more room to grow (literally) 
  • The bowl must be dry or the kernels won't pop nicely 
  • Don't put too many kernels at a go as some won't pop at all 
  • Cooking the kernels for the second round will likely roast/burn them 
  • Oil is optional. No, really. The kernels don't need oil to pop. At all.
For the first few batches, corn oil was used so I placed the tissue to absorb it. Later on, I discovered from sheer laziness and stinginess, you can omit the oil entirely for an even healthier snack.

My version of pop corn is this: pop corn with nothing at all.
tk balked at the thought of it saying it's bland =_= It has a slightly savory taste. Of course, you could actually flavor it by:
  1. Using the same bowl that's very hot after cooking the popcorn, add some butter and honey. 
  2. Throw the pop corn into the bowl
  3. Toss and turn 
To be honest, I prefer them original as it's healthier. And when you are pigging out on the couch in front of the telly, you can really lose track of how much you've eaten....
