the year that was. the year that will be.

15days late but thankfully, my period is never as. At most one week.Yes, I walked around the mall that night in mismatched sandals. This is why you should never have a spare pair on the driver's side. Or maybe I just need to be more conscience.

To recap 2014, here is what my fortune was supposed to be according to Thean Hou temple:
How accurate is it? Lets see:
Hard work will be well rewarded, bringing joy to all at home. 
For one, I don't know if I am indeed working hard. I think I am but people seem to think otherwise. So does it still mean I am? Either way, 2014 had been a work hard, play hard year. Not that it was partying away or holidaying every other month. If anything, none of those took place T_T But, the year certainly brought me more peace and clarity. Or is it just age? Hmm...

All the blues will disappear, replaced by blissful events, resulting from sweat and toil 
The blues still strike occasionally but having learnt to accept that it is just a passing phase has indeed made it better. So much better that whenever I am down, I tell myself to screw it and be awesome instead. Maybe that's the blissful event.

This is a fucking mockery of my singlehood. Of the fact that no man would even ask me out on a date. This is the clear proof that you should NOT believe in fortune telling. Sure, it gives you that glimmer of hope but don't hold your breath. You'd die sooner than be blessed with the good fortunate if you wait for things to happen.

Business venture 
My day job has been serving me rather well though at times, it makes my brain cells die a little more. My side job had been relatively slow but it's good as it meant more time for me to relax in between.

Honor & merit
After working my butt off in 2014, I do hope to get recognition for my effort in this coming year. Like, you know, a nice bonus or fluffy increment :D <
If you have half the brain, you'd realise what a sham fortune telling is. There have been cases of fortune actually coming true but the source is probably as close as you'll get to Prince William's son. The main reason why I like fortune telling is because it gives me that little glimmer of hope that things may just work out right. Sort of like those people who buy lottery. Difference is I usually forget what my fortune says after few days. Only reason why this one is memorable was it said I will get married. Well, reality check. I'm still as single as before. Of course, one may argue that in the lunar calendar, there is still one more month left before the year ends. So, there is a slight chance. Unless my parents are fixing me up, that clearly ain't happening because what husband when I can't even get a date.

When 2014 started, there were few things on my resolution list. Those that I could recall:
Get an IT certification
Totally nailed failed this. I didn't even start on the book I loaned to get a headstart.

Finish learning German on Duolingo
This is still a work in progress but it's good as my basics are, well, basics yet good enough for me to know the in like 6 different German ways. It's a German thing =\

Get healthy, exercise more
Proud to say that I am indeed practicing this one almost religiously to the point where if there's one day I don't do at least a HIIT workout, I feel uneasy. Also partly due to this app that tracks my progress. In general, my day now would typically have an hour of exercise or a minimum of 7minutes. Do I feel better? Ok. Do I look better? About the same to be honest :( But that doesn't mean I'll stop because exercising managed to keep my stress out and blues away without me feeling guilty after it all. Now that's a very good bargain.

My resolutions are usually the sort that is realistic. So much so that some shouldn't count as a resolution. One thing that's missing from the list is to find bf/settle down. At 32, it is safe to say that whatever hopes I had (if any) of finding someone willing to put up with my shit is gone like my youth. It is better for me to focus on the more important things in life like when are my stocks going to go back up? Let me clarify this: I don't hate men. I don't particularly dig women (the ones that I do are way out of my league). There don't seem to be someone for me out there. Period.

When I read about how some people say that their lives are inadequate but they are happy, I secretly believe in that they are just trying to comfort themselves over what they want but can't have. Sadly, this is just what I doing: Being single isn't so  bad but of course, given the choice, I'd like to have someone too.

Or maybe this is just what I have become. Not sure if win or fail....

2015, my 32nd year on this planet shall be witness to me:

Continue with my exercise regimen. Would be good if I could get rid of my belly. Would be awesome if I could get six packs. Yea, I think it's easier to just go to 7-11 and buy them instead.
Continue with my German lessons. I know I can do this. If I really give it time and effort, I could finish up the syllabus and hopefully able to read some kids book.
Be happy, content with what I have. Somehow, this actually negated everything above.. 
