LGK turned me 32: Wat Koh Wanararm

  Bukit Putih, Jalan Air Hangat,
Mk Kuah, Langkawi
Tel# 04-967 1917

A temple that actually has its own FB page. Yes, for real. After a rather relaxing day, we had to check out the next day but had to find somewhere to bum around since our flight was later in the evening. Thus, we drove to Kuah which turned out to be a small, sleepy Chinese town. Good if you are looking into buying household items e.g. pots and plates. Temples happened to be another thing to venture into. It suited us fine because there wasn't much left to do anyway.

That's a rather gigantic Buddha statue in front of an even more gigantic Kuan Yin (goddess of mercy) at the background.

No, no. The Buddha statue didn't tan or turned black (I'd be damned if it happened in front of my eyes). This happened to be a different Buddha statue with the same goddess of mercy.

I believe this is the temple/prayer hall. We didn't go in. Or more like I didn't go in because my company is more afraid of the sun than I am -_-

Snake god? I don't know. My religious affiliation goes alone the line of "oh,my god" and god in this context is quite ambiguous.

As you may notice, it was a very hot and sunny day. There was the occasional wind but just not enough.

The place was relatively understandably deserted since it was a week day. We were the only tourists/people around. Not a creature was astir.

A special hut for the goddess of mercy. Idolatry is a big thing in Chinese religion.

Prayer wheels. There is actually a method to them and not just simply moving them around =O

A place to rest your weary soul and sweaty body from the sweltering sun.

Thankfully, the place was bright and airy. Otherwise, it would have looked rather creepy and desolate.

Ground of the stupas. I actually forgot the name of this place and decided to just google "temple with many stupa in Langkawi" and Google actually delivered :D

They all looked rather new or maybe the result of good maintenance. Either way, still impressive.

Each one symbolized something.

These are the ones that I could use some help with in my life.
Particularly with miracles as that's what my projects need.

Golden laughing Buddha. You know how people say you are not fat but prosperous? In this day and age, that line doesn't quite work much when I tell that to married people. Apparently, they still need to upkeep themselves post marriage. Hey, don't spoil my market please.

There is quite a symmetry on the grounds, something that surprised me.

Up close with the seated Buddha leading to the stupa ground. Yes, I am running out of things to say by now.

The walkway leading to the other temple grounds.

How do I fare as a (travel) photographer? I hope not too bad =D

Lo and behold, the goddess of mercy.
It may have been carved out of the hill stone.

Parking was a breeze as there wasn't any other cars. Of course, it did help too that there wasn't really a designated parking area so we parked where it looked appropriate.

I think this may have been the monk's quarter judging from the laundry.
