How To: Make Impressive Cocktail Sausages

 Not just any sausage but one that's bound to make your guests swoon. Come on, look at them already. Aren't they so high class? Ok, so if you are high class, you wouldn't be serving these in the first class. But given my pathetic cooking skill, these are nice for me. However, this is by no means, a standard that you should attempt to impress me with.

You should save the time and just bring me out to a nice place instead =D

 Heat up some oil in the wok but not until smoking hot. So, this means not leaving the kitchen to continue watching the idiot box, only to realize that the oil is overheated when your house smells of smoke.

 Throw in the sausages, be sure not to overcrowd the pan. Apparently, there is a way to cook the sausages evenly by adding some water to the pan. Does that really work?

 After few minutes, flip them around to cook them evenly and give it a crispy texture all over. Unfortunately, my sausages looked like they had STD.

 Scouring the sausages gives it a nice classy look and the cuts also gives it more crispiness.
Now, they not only look like sausages with STD but have been given the flagellation. Would these be good to remind my other half what I'd do to his should the thought of betraying/leaving me crosses my mind?

Ok, who am I kidding there. What other half?

They turned out rather nicely though my niece who usually likes sausage cocktails gave them a pass because she's picky about the flavor (no pepper or mushroom) and brand (no Ayamas). Kid is growing up well.

Still, my organizational skill left my OCD self feeling very accomplished for having stacked them up so neatly.
