Book#Sept2016: My Favourite Wife by Tony Parsons

I bought this book after attending an investment talk in a dingy building. The book shop was one half of a convenience store and it was in quite a disarray. Yet, it proved to have quite a few good titles and this was one which caught my attention. Mainly because it looked decent enough and the font size is good. Yes, my eye sight is getting worse. Age is catching up with me.

Not entirely familiar with Parsons' work, I recalled hazily his books revolved mainly around feel goods. Turned out that my memory got it mixed up with another author. Nonetheless, the book started off with a bit of humor. It threw me off guard when the storyline decided to take a rather unconventional road though if my memory had been better, I'd remember the back cover telling how exactly it would go.

Anyway, the book got uncomfortable that there were moments which made me wonder if this is how reality works. Parsons write in a simple, no frills. While he doesn't touch the heart like how Murakami does, there are things which he do excel at.

Weaving the story and turning it around in the same breath is one.

Whether it is a happy ending or not, depends on which camp you sit on. For me, this is a book that didn't quite change my life but it brought back some sweet memories. Not a chick literature as it does get rather heavy at times.

Sorry about the bad image qualities. Don't have any image editing software. Yes, my home laptop is still out of commission.

~ Aug- The Dilbert Principle by Scott Adams
