Book#Aug2016: The Dilbert Principle by Scott Adams

The full title is actually:
The Dilbert Principle: A Cubicle's-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions
Quite a mouthful.

Most of us would be rather familiar with Dilbert but how many of you know about his books? Actually, I didn't know either until about 5minutes ago. This book review is brought to you courtesy of a friend who introduced it to me many years ago. Say half a decade? It was only until recently that I started to read it again. My first attempt was marred by the fact that my reading was done mostly at work (in between all that waiting). It got so annoying having interrupted reading that I gave up altogether.

Like the comic strip, the humor and sarcasm are in abundance throughout the book. It isn't meant to be taken at face value but if you've worked long enough, you could probably identify with many of the scenarios in the book.  Perhaps one notch down. Otherwise, it would make for a very interesting workplace with Catbert the evil HR director at work.

Make no mistake, this is not a book to help you be good in higher management but how to avoid falling into bad management. The last chapter is one that you want to shove to your boss but he would probably just tell you to pack your stuff instead. Still, the book is worth your time, if not for the laughs before you slowly realize how close to reality it truly is and start to cry at your predicament.

~ July - Book#July2016: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind
